- Check the weather before you go, be prepared to leave if bad weather threatens. Please do consider your life and safety more important than missing part of a show or even the whole thing! Stages in outdoor facilities have collapsed in high winds that often arrive with the front, before the worst weather starts (Indiana State Fair). Dress in layers for temperature changes. Start hydrated and eat a good meal before you go in case there are long lines at refreshment stands.
- Check the traffic reports for delays or detours. Leave extra time if you're going to a new or temporary venue ( such as an open field festival).
- Leave valuables at home. Don't take anything that you can't afford to lose such as expensive jewelry electronics or clothing. Don't set yourself up as a potential crime victim.
- Invest in a personal alarm or pepper spray, especially if you will be going to venues at night or using possibly poorly lit parking lots or walkways. Carry a small pen lite or flashlight on your key chain or in your bag.
- Check gate openings/closing times. Arrange your arrival and departure to avoid the heaviest crowds. Ingress and egress are the most dangerous times for injuries.
- Plan to arrive early enough to locate the exits, security, first aid and guest services. Knowing where restrooms and water fountains are located is pretty useful information also. Never, ever under any circumstances stay in a venue that has only one exit. The recent fire tragedy at a club in Brazil should not have happened.
- Let family or a friend know if you are attending an event that might generate any foreseeable incidents; such as a political rally on a controversial topic. Do this also if you are attending a huge event such as New Year's Eve in Times Square or a multi-day festival. Check in when you get home safely.
- Take last minute digital pictures of you and your party on your cell phone. These can be quickly uploaded to staff and officials if someone goes missing. Consider wearing brightly colored clothing or another distinguishing items (maybe matching hats with 4 foot tall feathers) to make it easier to keep everyone in sight. Everyone, even the littlest ones who are mobile should have id in their pockets.
- Carry ear plugs if you're going to go to a very loud event, and don't forget child sized ones if you're taking the wee ones.
Next: How to Stay Safe When You Arrive